This will change everything you thought you knew about 'Friends'...

Moving is stressful for SO many reasons: deposits, packing, hiring a van, and of course actually transporting your stuff to a new place...
And what can make moving even worse? A couch, bookcase or recliner that just won't fit through the front door.
We’ve all been there – including Ross from Friends. Cast your mind back to season 5, when Ross treated himself to a couch for his new apartment. To avoid expensive delivery costs, Ross decided to transport the couch home by himself and force the furniture up the building’s tiny stairwell with help from Rachel and Chandler. Ross shouted "PIVOT!" a LOT, but the situation ended with the couch jammed in the stairwell, and eventually cut in half to return to the store.
Well: we've got some news for you, Ross. Turns out it actually was possible to get the couch up the stairwell after all...
How do we know? We called in the experts. Data Science Consultant, Caroline Zunckel, has analyzed the 'PIVOT' scene in depth to create a mathematical solution that proves the impossible actually was possible.
Caroline says: "By applying Pythagoras' theorem to the estimated measurements of Ross's couch in a vertical position and dimensions of the stairwell, I was able to establish that it would have been possible to get the couch upstairs. It's quite simple really!"
Check out Caroline's findings in the sketch below and prepare for your mind to be blown.
Our advice for next time? Measure before you move...