SpareRoom X WeWork

Hey SpareRoomers!
Do you know about our latest partnership with WeWork?
In recent weeks we’ve been collaborating with WeWork offices across New York to educate their clients about our awesome services. We’ve been rolling out informational events all over the city to our fellow WeWork colleagues, highlighting who we are, what we do, & how we can help. So far we’ve been to 222 Broadway, Fulton Center, Long Island City, 115 Broadway, & Bryant Park, and are planning much much more!
We love to engage with our current and potential users whenever possible and find these events to be thoroughly enjoyable. Not only do we have a great time, but feedback from our events have been incredibly assuring that the WeWork members also have a great experience.
Another facet of our partnership is that we’ve been opening up WeWork spaces to the public through our SpeedRoommating events. Not only is it an awesome way to meet lots of potential roommates in one convenient location, it also happens to be a really cool opportunity to check out a WeWork and experience all the awesome features it has to offer!
Who knows? You may find yourself a new apartment and a new working space all in one go!
Now we’ve got your attention, how about we get to know each other a little better? We’ll start, with something you probably don’t know about us...
SpareRoom are proud partners with Breaking Ground – one of NYC’s leading homeless charities, who provide permanent supportive housing and outreach services for those on the streets that need it most. Every month, we match the amount won in our Live Rent Free competition and donate the same to Breaking Ground. It’s just one of the ways we can help give everyone the home they deserve.
Want to get involved? You already are, as long as you’re entering Live Rent Free every month. Find out more here >>> Live Rent Free