How to meet your new roommate in one night...

...or in other words: your definitive guide to the art of SpeedRoommating.
Confused? Let's go back to basics.
So, what even is SpeedRoommating?
Thanks for asking. We've been running SpeedRoommating for a while, but you might not have realized yet.
The aim of SpeedRoommating is to give you the chance to meet lots of potential roommates in one easy evening. Forget going to a bunch of viewings, and using basically ALL your free time to run around the city. Instead, come to a bar for a couple of hours, have a few drinks and mingle with lots of potential roommates all at once .
Sounds awesome! How do I know I'll meet the right people?
Everyone will be wearing a name tag – either “Need A Room” (blue) or Have A Room” (white) .Each tag has a place for your name, budget and desired location – making it easy to pick someone out who matches your needs.
The events are in different areas like Manhattan, Brooklyn, and even Jersey City – so you can localize your search a little. Which brings us to...
Where the heck are they?
We hold the events every week in various venues. You can get all the details, dates and addresses for each one on our events page which is updated regularly.
I'm kinda nervous. What will happen when I get there?
Chill! It's really not that bad, we promise.
When you get to the event, you'll be greeted by friendly SpeedRoommating staff who will get you checked in. Pro tip: it's worth thinking about your location/budget ahead of the event, just to speed things up.
Then you can grab yourself a drink, and get mingling. SpeedRoommating staff will be on hand all night to answer your questions, and will be going around the room to help with matchmaking anyone who's a little shy. The vibe is always really relaxed, so don't worry about feeling overwhelmed. Everyone's in the same situation.
If you've met someone you click with – great! We recommend sticking with SpareRoom to continue contact after the event. Hopefully you'll have a couple of ads to revisit and message to speed up your search, and get you closer to that dream roommate situation.
Ok, I'm in. Where do I sign up?
Head to the events page to see upcoming events and book your space. It's totally FREE to attend! All our events are 21+ venues, so don't forget your ID just in case...