Find Home Together

Fingers crossed you're now off the subway.

Fingers crossed you're now off the subway.

But if you're not relax, take a deep breath. It'll be over soon, we promise.

So you're here because you're looking for a roommate or you need a room. Well, we're here to help you sort either of those things out.

You may be new to us, so here's a couple of ways we're a bit different to the likes of Craigslist and others.

  • We're safe and non-sketchy. We have a team of actual humans moderating all our listings all the time.

  • We're speedy AF. We get loads of traffic, which means you get a great selection of both rooms and roommates.

  • We believe living with the right people beats living alone, so use the filters to find that perfect roomshare!

As you've come from the subway, here is that free upgrade code we promised you:


Instructions for claiming:

  • Register an account via the top link below
  • Once you're on the 'my account' page, click upgrade
  • Then you'll see a promo code box, enter the code and you're all set!

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