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You spoke, we listened

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We've made improvements to our site to make your SpareRoom search experience even better.

A couple months ago, we asked you to share your experience using SpareRoom and what's important to you when searching for a new home or roommate. Based on your feedback, we've made a couple of changes.

Free to contact ads
78% of you told us it would be useful to filter rooms so you see the "free to contact" ads first. In the Miscellaneous section, you will now see a new checkbox for ads that are "free to contact". Selecting this option will show only ads that don't require an upgrade to contact.


No/low deposit ads
You can now filter search results to see ads that require no deposit or a low deposit (equivalent to one week's rent or less).


Posted by
63% of you who answered our survey said you'd rather deal with/see ads from landlords. We've added a new filter which allows you to do just that. You can now choose to only see ads posted by landlords, private ads (no agents / broker), current roommates or live-in landlords.


We hope these changes help you find the right room or roommate!

Start your search now. Simply, type in the area or ZIP code you want to live and filter results using the left side column.


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