10 things that will probably happen in your apartment share this festive season

Ah, the holidays. A time of love, forgiveness, and stuffing your face with as much food as humanly possible.

I think we can safely say none of us had a normal festive season last year. With the pandemic affecting things again this year, it’s causing some of us to rethink holiday plans for 2021.

However, no matter where you’re spending the holidays, or who you’re spending them with, spending the festive season with roommates is never dull. Here are a few things that may well happen in your apartment share this holiday season:

  1. Someone will start playing Christmas music on a loop ALL THE TIME. At least one roommate will protest that it’s too early and festive argument #1 will ensue to a soundtrack of All I Want For Christmas Is You.

  2. You and your roommates will watch every single Christmas movie on Netflix and Amazon Prime within the first two weeks of December, including rewatching Home Alone and Elf three times.

  3. You'll spend an entire day attempting to build a gingerbread house, decorating with whatever kind of candy you can get your hands on.

  4. Someone will suggest hosting an ugly Christmas sweater party, just so they can proudly show off their extra AF sweater, complete with jingly bells and glitter.

  5. There’ll be multiple occasions when one or more roommates will come home late, or drunk, or late and drunk from work drinks – totally embarrassed the next morning by how much they overshared to colleagues.

  6. You’ll all plan to go ice skating together, ending in injury. Especially after a few eggnogs laced with rum…

  7. You and your roommates will organise a Secret Santa, with the gifts making you question how well you ACTUALLY know each other.

  8. You’ll organise a Christmas meal, which will be fraught with problems. An overcooked dry turkey, underdone crunchy vegetables and a tray of burnt potatoes will leave you all questioning yourselves, and your skills as adults...or you might just order Chinese takeout.

  9. In spite of the culinary fail, you’ll all eat your meal together and pretend it’s the BEST thing ever. Or at least you'll drink enough make you think it is...

  10. You’ll all spend the whole of the holidays in a candy coma. No. More. Chocolate. Can’t. Move. Well. Maybe. Just. One. More...

Who will you be spending the holidays with this year? Family, friends, roommates....?

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Image credit - Dorien Monnens